Houston Astros
Houston astros
Spring is in the air...
Welcome all to the 2020 baseball season, a season full of delusion and hypocrisy. Let’s get things started with some acknowledgements, yes the Astros cheated, yes the Yankees and Dodgers fan base is full of malcontents, and yes Mike Fiers is up for a leading role in Ratatouille 2. One of the main issues that is causing me annoyance so far is not all the fans up in arms about the “tainted” 2017 season, that was expected, but instead it’s that all these imbeciles are out there claiming the Astros were “caught”. Let’s get one thing straight, the Astros were not caught, they were told on. Mike Fiers is no hero, he is no bastion of moral goodness. Mike Fiers is a petulant disgruntled ex-employee who bit off more than he can chew. It’s funny how now all of a sudden Mr. Fiers would rather not want to focus on the past, he does not want to be a distraction, and well it’s a little too late for that. I am fully aware behind the reasoning of the festering hatred towards the Astros, it is well deserved. However what I cannot comprehend is how people choose to ignore all of the other allegations against everyone else. Like Fiers, former players have come out and have accused multiple teams about stealing signs illegally and electronically, but all the media seems to be focused on is the Astros. Is this because the Astros are the only team that was cheating, or is it because it is more financially beneficial and less arduous to go after a relatively small market team like the Astros instead of somebody like let’s say the Yankees.
Here is how the past few weeks have gone so far. Everyone was demanding an apology, the Astros came back and gave one, and everyone countered with not good enough. It is time that we come to the realization that nothing will ever be good enough. People will always chase that feeling of misery, it’s part of what makes us who we are. We want to feel miserable we want to feel outraged we want to hate. Once again, yes I do acknowledge the Astros cheated, yes I do believe they should have been punished, but no I do not believe that the investigations should stop with them and the Red Sox. I want full transparency. Every day it seems like a new story breaks, or someone else is outraged, and you know what I’m fine with that. Let us all embrace our new villainous role, after all villains make more interesting characters anyways. From Darth Vader, to the Joker, to the Teletubbies, villains are revered worldwide. Like Tony Montana said, “You don’t have the guts to be what you wanna be. You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your f*****’ fingers and say, that’s the bad guy”. Guess what Houston we are the bad guy, it’s time for the 2020 Astros to go full heel turn. If Josh Reddick doesn’t change his entrance music to the N.W.O theme I will be highly disappointed.